Wednesday, December 3, 2008

2nd Autobiography Object

First there were record players. Then came tape cassettes and compact disc players. None of these things hardly exist anymore among teenagers. Technology has advanced so much that thousands of songs, pictures, and even videos can be stored in a credit card sized object. These unbelieveable advances of technology are called the Ipods, made by Apple.

The type of Ipod that I received for Christmas is a fifth generation, Ipod video. It features a 2.5 inch color screen that can vividly display photographs and even videos. It has 80 gigabytes storage, enough to store up to 20,000. songs. The ipod is a shiny metallic color in the front, with a shiny mirror-like metal on the black that reflects. There is a spinning wheel or dial on the front that allows me to scroll through all my various songs very quickly. The most fascinating feature about this ipod is the width of the actual device. It is crazy how thin it is, small enough to easily fit into my pocket. The Ipod video is approximately .5 inches in width. It is amazing how such an object so small can contain so much information and capacity.

Without my Ipod, I would not be the same person. It is like another part of me. I take my ipod wherever I go, whether just walking to class or during a workout. It's such a versatile object and can be taken anywhere. The Ipod is very convenient to have, for I am able to enjoy myself and my love for music through the Ipod. Bringing out my passion for music in a very easy and convenient way, the Ipod is a very successful advancement in technology.

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